Master Troy L. Smith and the Academy Of Martial Arts
04/03/13 12:11
Over the past couple of weeks and months I have been working with Master Troy Smith from Jasper, Texas to bring his schools and students into the Independent Tang Soo Do Association fold. Master Smith is President and Founder of the United Martial Arts Society and his organization will be affiliated with the Independent Tang Soo Do Association. Master Smith has been training in martial arts since 1978 and currently holds the rank of 8th Dan in Tae Kwon Do. Additionally, he achieved 1st Dan in Tang Soo Do and it is currently his desire to further his training in Tang Soo Do and to be able to provide his students with a traditional Tang Soo Do curriculum and to be associated with an accredited Tang Soo Do organization such as the Independent Tang Soo Do Association
Master Smith spoke with a number of large Tang Soo Do Associations in addition to pursuing the ITA. He finally settled on the Independent Tang Soo Do Association. With Master Smith's background in Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido, we are planning on offering to ITA members in both organizations opportunities that will further enhance our member's knowledge of the martial arts. I am looking forward to the tremendous opportunity and relationship. For information on Master Smith you can visit:
You can read the ITA acceptance letter here:
Master Smith spoke with a number of large Tang Soo Do Associations in addition to pursuing the ITA. He finally settled on the Independent Tang Soo Do Association. With Master Smith's background in Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido, we are planning on offering to ITA members in both organizations opportunities that will further enhance our member's knowledge of the martial arts. I am looking forward to the tremendous opportunity and relationship. For information on Master Smith you can visit:
You can read the ITA acceptance letter here: