Independent Tang Soo Do Association

The Best In Traditional Tang Soo Do

Traditional Tang Soo Do Academy

Mr. Chaney Woodring, Sam Dan and his students have joined and teamed up with the Independent Tang Soo Do Association. Mr. Woodring is the head instructor at the Traditional Tang Soo Do Academy located at 736 Lincoln Street, Bolivar, PA 15923. The Traditional Tang Soo Do classes offers classes for both children and adults. Mr. Woodring is a 3rd Dan in Tang Soo Do and his experience spans over 30 years, having started in Shotokan Karate-do in 1977. Mr. Woodring and his students were accepted by Master Garbowsky as members of the Independent Tang Soo Do Association in April 2013.

Master Garbowsky presented Mr. Woodring with an
Official Association Acceptance Letter, accepting him and his students into the Independent Tang Soo Do Association on Monday, April 22nd, 2013.

5th Dan Classing Examination and Recertification Results

As Founder of the Independent Tang Soo Do Association and head instructor of South Hills Karate Academy, I am happy to announce the results of the 5th Dan Classing Examination that took place on March 14th and 16th , 2013. The Independent Tang Soo Do Association's Dan Classing Examination is an event that I am particularly proud of and I am sure that all who participated in this year's Spring event are as well.

The Association's Dan Testing and Recertification is an extensive two day process where our Yu Dan Ja (Black Belt holders) and candidates get together over two days. We train together, learn new material, fight against each other and drill in techniques over four to five hours on day one. On day two, over another 5 hour period, we have our Yu Dan Ja and Candidates present their requirements and demonstrate required technique, hyung, sparring and breaking. The process for Kyo Sa also includes submitting two written essays on rank specific material.

The official announcement and promotion listing can be found here. Promotions will be awarded at the start of the 36th Gup Shim Sa on Saturday, May 4th at 9:00am. Please join us for this promotion ceremony.
Independent Tang Soo Do Association
Independent Tang Soo Do Association
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